141 research outputs found

    Search of new excipients in technology of farmaceutical drugs

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    Лускокрилі (Lepidoptera), які охороняються в Національному природному парку «Великий Луг»

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    Velyky Lug is a unique natural complex which has a large biogeographical, ecological, environmental, historical and recreational value. The National Nature Park “Velyky Lug” was only created as recently as 2006.The park is located in Zaporizhzhya region, 15–18 km south of the city Zaporizhzhya, within the limits of floodplain area of the Dnepr river, which broadens to a width of over 20 kmbetween Bilen’ke and Vasilivka (north-eastern part of the Kakhovskoe reservoir). This enormous expansion of the floodplain (about 80,000 ha) which is situated between the Dnepr river and its tributary the Kins’ka was in historical times was called the Kin’ski Floodplain or Great Meadow. In modern times this territory is almost completely flooded by the waters of the Kakhovskoe reservoir. Remnants of natural habitats have been preserved along the river banks – in the form of little valleys and ravines which extend all the shore and also islands which appeared in 1956 when the reservoir was flooded. The overall area of the park “Velyky Lug” is 16,756 ha. Within the territory of the park “Velyky Lug” we have recorded 27 species of Lepidoptera which have various levels of conservation status. The taxonomical structure of the complex varies and included representatives of all basic families of moth and day butterflies which have species that are protected by law. In a taxonomical relation this complex is formed by the representatives of 11 families (Zygaenidae, Saturniidae, Sphingidae, Noctuidae, Arctiidae, Hesperiidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Nymphalidae, Satyridae, Lycaenidae). Zoogeographical analysis of the species that are protected in the territory of the park can be classified into 5 basic groups (Palearctic – 26%, Pontokazach – 26%, Mediterranean– 22%, Eurosiberian – 15%, European – 11%). Analysis of the biotopic advantages of the protected Lepidoptera species present in the territory of the park showed representatives from all 6 ecological groups which are included in the Lepidoptera fauna of Central Europe. The ecological structure appears highly interesting: xerothermophilous-1 – 46%, mesophilous-1 – 18%, xerothermophilous-2 – 15%, mesophilous-2 – 11%, hygrophilous – 4%, ubiquitous – 4%. Analysis of modern threats to the existence of Lepidoptera within park area reveals the following factors: erosion of the shores of Kakhovskoe reservoir, overgrazing by live-stock, recreational overload and artificial afforestation. Most species (45%) that are protected in the territory of the park and included in the IUCN Red List have status of vulnerable (VU). Hylis hyppophaes (Esper, [1793]) is the only species of conservation importance in the park which has expanded its range in Ukraine in the last 50 years. One of main terms of conditions for the survival of rare and vanishing species, including Lepidoptera, is creation of national red lists (for example, Red Book of Ukraine). 29% species of Lepidoptera, included in the Red Book of Ukraine have been recorded in the territory of the “Velyky Lug” park. Analysis of the categories of these species confirms that Zygaena laeta (Hübner, 1790) alone is classified as a vanishing species on the Ukrainian level, the others being classified as vulnerable (53%) and rare (41%). Among the species included in the Red Book of Ukraine, those for which the park has special significance on account of the stability and high numbers of their populations within the park are – Acherontia atropos (Linnaeus, 1758), Zerynthia polyxena ([Denis et Schiffermüller, 1775]) and Plebeius pylaon (Fisher von Waldheim, 1832). Досліджено лускокрилих фауни національного природного парку «Великий Луг». Серед комплексу Lepidoptera 27 видів занесено до охоронних списків різного рівня: 11 видів – до списку МСОП, 17 – до Червоної книги України, 8 – до Європейського Червоного списку тварин і рослин, що перебувають під загрозою зникнення у світовому масштабі, 6 – до Червоної книги «Європейських денних метеликів». У комплексі видів, що охороняються на території НПП, представлені види із 5 надродин, 11 родин. Територія НПП «Великий Луг» повністю розташована в долині р. Дніпро, що дає змогу запровадити охоронний режим у широкому спектрі екосистем (степові, лучні, лісові, болотяні, острівні тощо). Саме строкатість умов існування дозволила тут сформуватись цікавому зоогеографічному комплексу, представленому 5 основними групами (палеарктична – 26%, понтоказахська – 26%, середземноморська – 22%, євросибірська – 15%, європейська – 11%). Цікавою виявилась екологічна структура: ксеротермофіли-1 – 46%, мезофіли-1 – 18%, ксеротермофіли-2 – 15%, мезофіли-2 – 11%, гігрофіли – 4%, убіквісти – 4%. Аналіз сучасних загроз існуванню лускокрилих у межах НПП показав наявність таких найважливіших факторів: абразія берегів Каховського водосховища, перевипас свійської худоби, рекреаційне навантаження та штучне лісорозведення. Досліджено лускокрилих фауни національного природного парку «Великий Луг». Серед комплексу Lepidoptera 27 видів занесено до охоронних списків різного рівня: 11 видів – до списку МСОП, 17 – до Червоної книги України, 8 – до Європейського Червоного списку тварин і рослин, що перебувають під загрозою зникнення у світовому масштабі, 6 – до Червоної книги «Європейських денних метеликів». У комплексі видів, що охороняються на території НПП, представлені види із 5 надродин, 11 родин. Територія НПП «Великий Луг» повністю розташована в долині р. Дніпро, що дає змогу запровадити охоронний режим у широкому спектрі екосистем (степові, лучні, лісові, болотяні, острівні тощо). Саме строкатість умов існування дозволила тут сформуватись цікавому зоогеографічному комплексу, представленому 5 основними групами (палеарктична – 26%, понтоказахська – 26%, середземноморська – 22%, євросибірська – 15%, європейська – 11%). Цікавою виявилась екологічна структура: ксеротермофіли-1 – 46%, мезофіли-1 – 18%, ксеротермофіли-2 – 15%, мезофіли-2 – 11%, гігрофіли – 4%, убіквісти – 4%. Аналіз сучасних загроз існуванню лускокрилих у межах НПП показав наявність таких найважливіших факторів: абразія берегів Каховського водосховища, перевипас свійської худоби, рекреаційне навантаження та штучне лісорозведення.

    Evaluating the Development of Digitalization at Enterprises of Information and Communication Services of Ukraine

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    This article is devoted to the current problems of the development of digitalization at enterprises of information and communication services in Ukraine, providing an assessment of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the integrative development of the ICT business. Recently, the sphere of information and communication technologies has been one of the most dynamic and developed types of economic activity in Ukraine. This market is a conductor of Ukraine’s entry into the global economic and information space. This, in turn, requires the adoption of balanced and justified management decisions and strategic directions of development, which should be based on clearly defined tasks and means of achieving them on the basis of the use of monitoring and diagnostic tools. It is defined that the development of enterprises of information and communication services of Ukraine is of strategic importance for the complementary development of all spheres of the economy of Ukraine and constitutes a platform for forcing and raising proactive business segments in general. The analysis of empirical analytical materials has made it possible to identify insufficient rates of digitalization of the Ukrainian economy compared to the rates of European countries and leading countries of the world, though domestic enterprises of telecommunication services demonstrate positive dynamics of performance results. This indicates a stable positive dynamics in the development of the information and communication sector of economic activity. It is found that the largest consumption of information and communication services occurs in the city of Kyiv, in Donetsk and Odesa regions. At the same time, digital technologies and IT products actively integrate only up to 30% of businesses into their activities. Still, the digital transformation of economic activity in the context of globalization is a key strategic task for the integrative development of enterprises

    Fusion product losses due to fishbone instabilities in deuterium JET plasmas

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    During development of a high-performance hybrid scenario for future deuteriumtritium experiments on the Joint European Torus, an increased level of fast ion losses in the MeV energy range was observed during the instability of high-frequency n=1 fishbones. The fishbones are excited during deuterium neutral beam injection combined with ion cyclotron heating. The frequency range of the fishbones, 10 – 25 kHz, indicates that they are driven by a resonant interaction with the NBI-produced D beam ions in the energy range ≤120 keV. The fast particle losses in a much higher energy range are measured with a fast ion loss detector, and the data show an expulsion of deuterium plasma fusion products, 1 MeV tritons and 3 MeV protons, during the fishbone bursts. An MHD mode analysis with the MISHKA code combined with the nonlinear wave-particle interaction code HAGIS shows that the loss of toroidal symmetry caused by the n=1 fishbones affects strongly the confinement of nonresonant high energy fusion-born tritons and protons by perturbing their orbits and expelling them. This modelling is in a good agreement with the experimental data.EURATOM 633053RCUK Energy Programme EP/P012450/

    Treatment costs of chronic diseases of small bronchi in children

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    The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of chronic non-allergic diseases of small bronchi in children, and to estimate direct costs of outpatient management for this category of patients. Materials and methods: 3024 subjects 0-18 years old, living in St. Petersburg and its suburb (Vsevolozhsk), were randomly selected, and a questionnaire for every subject was filled. Calculation of direct costs was based on medical economy standards for one patient, and for pediatric population of 1000, taking into account the prevalence. Results: total prevalence of chronic non-allergic diseases of small bronchi in children was 0.33% in St. Petersburg and 0.46% in the suburb. Yearly costs of adequate outpatient observation were 8282.92 roubles for bronchopulmonary dysplasia and 7298.37 roubles for obliterating bronchiolitis obliterans. Treatment costs for bronchopulmonary dysplasia come to 35352.74 roubles per year and are similar to that for bronchiolitis obliterans.Цель: Определить распространенность хронических болезней мелких бронхов неаллергической этиологии у детей и рассчитать прямые финансовые затраты на амбулаторный этап ведения данной группы больных. Методы: Использовался метод случайной выборки с заполнением опросника на 3024 ребенка, в возрасте от 0 до 18 лет, компактно проживающих на территории г. Санкт-Петербурга (СПб) и г. Всеволожска Ленинградской области (ЛО). Расчет прямых затрат проводился по медико-экономическим стандартам на одного пациента и, с учетом распространенности, на 1000 детского населения. Результаты: Распространенность хронических болезней мелких бронхов неаллергического генеза в сумме составила 0,33% в СПб, и 0,46% в ЛО. Стоимость адекватного диспансерного наблюдения в течение года детей с бронхолегочной дисплазией составляет 8282,92 руб., облитерирующего бронхиолита 7298,37руб. Затраты на медикаментозное лечение детей с БЛД составляет 35352,74 руб. в год и практически не отличается от стоимости лечения облитерирующего бронхиолита

    Results of lumbar interbody fusion in elderly patients with lumbar spinal stenosis associated with cauda equina syndrome

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    Background: Currently, there are no clear recommendations on the timing of surgical intervention for the slow development of cauda equina syndrome (CES) against the background of lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) at the lumbar level in elderly patients. The information on the long-term effectiveness of decompressive and stabilizing interventions (DSI) in the lumbar spine in this pathology is also limited.Objective: To conduct a comparative analysis of the results of surgical treatment of elderly patients with LSS associated with CES after open and low-traumatic DSI.Material and methods: The retrospective study included 37 patients operated on between 2000 and 2020 for CES caused by LSS. Two groups were distinguished: in the first group (n = 17), an open DSI was performed with the median approach, in the second group (n = 20) a low-traumatic DSI was performed according to the author’s method. Technical features of interventions and specificity of the postoperative period, preoperative instrumental data, clinical parameters in dynamics, and complications were compared.Results: In a comparative analysis in the group of patients operated on with author’s low-traumatic DSI, smaller parameters were registered: the duration of the operation (p = 0.02), the blood loss (p = 0.003), the duration of inpatient treatment (p = 0.002), and the postoperative need for opioid analgesics (p < 0.05). In catamnesis, statistically significantly better clinical parameters of bladder sphincter control (p = 0.02) and motor function recovery (p = 0.01), Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) (p = 0.03) and the Short Form-36 (SF-36) (p = 0.01) were observed in patients of the group II, compared with the group I. A greater number of complications were noticed in the group of open DSI (p = 0.003), with a comparable frequency of reoperations in the follow-up period (p = 0.79).Conclusion: In elderly patients with CES-associated LSS, the advantages of the author’s low-traumatic DSI in comparison with open DSI were established of less blood loss and duration of hospitalization, low need for postoperative analgesia, the minimum number of complications, and the dynamics of neurological symptoms, better recovery of ODI and SF-36 in catamnesis

    On the utility of predictive chromatography to complement mass spectrometry based intact protein identification

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    The amino acid sequence determines the individual protein three-dimensional structure and its functioning in an organism. Therefore, "reading" a protein sequence and determining its changes due to mutations or post-translational modifications is one of the objectives of proteomic experiments. The commonly utilized approach is gradient high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in combination with tandem mass spectrometry. While serving as a way to simplify the protein mixture, the liquid chromatography may be an additional analytical tool providing complementary information about the protein structure. Previous attempts to develop "predictive" HPLC for large biomacromolecules were limited by empirically derived equations based purely on the adsorption mechanisms of the retention and applicable to relatively small polypeptide molecules. A mechanism of the large biomacromolecule retention in reversed-phase gradient HPLC was described recently in thermodynamics terms by the analytical model of liquid chromatography at critical conditions (BioLCCC). In this work, we applied the BioLCCC model to predict retention of the intact proteins as well as their large proteolytic peptides separated under different HPLC conditions. The specific aim of these proof-of-principle studies was to demonstrate the feasibility of using "predictive" HPLC as a complementary tool to support the analysis of identified intact proteins in top-down, middle-down, and/or targeted selected reaction monitoring (SRM)-based proteomic experiments

    Fusion product losses due to fishbone instabilities in deuterium JET plasmas

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    During development of a high-performance hybrid scenario for future deuterium–tritium experiments on the Joint European Torus, an increased level of fast ion losses in the MeV energy range was observed during the instability of high-frequency n  =  1 fishbones. The fishbones are excited during deuterium neutral beam injection combined with ion cyclotron heating. The frequency range of the fishbones, 10–25 kHz, indicates that they are driven by a resonant interaction with the NBI-produced deuterium beam ions in the energy range  ≤120 keV. The fast particle losses in a much higher energy range are measured with a fast ion loss detector, and the data show an expulsion of deuterium plasma fusion products, 1 MeV tritons and 3 MeV protons, during the fishbone bursts. An MHD mode analysis with the MISHKA code combined with the nonlinear wave-particle interaction code HAGIS shows that the loss of toroidal symmetry caused by the n  =  1 fishbones affects strongly the confinement of non-resonant high energy fusion-born tritons and protons by perturbing their orbits and expelling them. This modelling is in a good agreement with the experimental data.This work has been carried out within the framework of the EUROfusion Consortium and has received funding from the Euratom research and training programme 2014-2018 under grant agreement No 633053 and from the RCUK Energy Programme [grant No EP/P012450/1]. To obtain further information on the data and models underlying this paper please contact [email protected] . The views and opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect those of the European CommissionPeer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    SMC complexes differentially compact mitotic chromosomes according to genomic context

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    Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) protein complexes are key determinants of chromosome conformation. Using Hi-C and polymer modelling, we study how cohesin and condensin, two deeply conserved SMC complexes, organize chromosomes in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The canonical role of cohesin is to co-align sister chromatids, while condensin generally compacts mitotic chromosomes. We find strikingly different roles for the two complexes in budding yeast mitosis. First, cohesin is responsible for compacting mitotic chromosome arms, independently of sister chromatid cohesion. Polymer simulations demonstrate that this role can be fully accounted for through cis-looping of chromatin. Second, condensin is generally dispensable for compaction along chromosome arms. Instead, it plays a targeted role compacting the rDNA proximal regions and promoting resolution of peri-centromeric regions. Our results argue that the conserved mechanism of SMC complexes is to form chromatin loops and that distinct SMC-dependent looping activities are selectively deployed to appropriately compact chromosomes